OneStory Animation Sneak Peek

Once we finish raising support and report to the Visual Media team in NC, Andrew will be available to collaborate on this groundbreaking project full-time. TWR is working with a OneStory partner organization to visually present a set of Bible stories to an unreached people group in North Africa.

TWR360 Nigeria advertisement released

The Good News of Jesus is being declared in new ways that deserve promotion.

In October 2015, Andrew and Holly provided casting and location scouting in South Africa to promote the TWR360 app. By filming this scene about “Nigerian soldiers” near Johannesburg instead of Lagos, TWR saved thousands of dollars and avoided great risks.

2016 Interview

In January we visited the TWR offices in Cary, North Carolina where we’ll be based after enough additional monthly support is raised. To spread the word about who we are to new friends and churches (and inform all current ministry partners about the new role) our Visual Media Dept. coworkers interviewed us. After adding photos we gave them of our nine years together in Africa they created this great video.

You can watch it now on Vimeo and (even download it to view offline.) Please let us know what you think below!